Reflection on assignment two… preparing for assignment three.

So I have received my assignment two results today and I have to say I didnt achieve as well as I had hoped but I did pass. It makes me question how I could do well with assignment one but now my ideas were questioned in assignment two?

As I read through my feedback, my marker appears to not quite understand what is happening in the unit. I have developed a process of experiences for developing knowledge and understanding of structuring stories. I have planned activities that work with students on developing their understanding through each stage which will lead to their ability in creating their own story at the end of the unit.

I have really begun to think about my unit plan and changes I may need to make in order to do well in assessment three. I still want to keep the main idea of students learning about stories being created through a sequence of events. I want them to be able to use their imaginations and work together. How am I going to do that? 

Reflecting on a previous prac I have done I noticed that students were given tasks to retell a story through a cutting and pasting sequence activity. 

My unit plan had this experience however it was going to be done through a digital application on an IPad. My final experience was for students to create their own story in groups however since receiving my feedback I realise it may be a little too advanced for that year level so I have decided to use the second experience of retelling a story.

Website development begins….

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